
I setup a new network of Lambda functions to replace multiple EC2 servers hosting various business logic.

I implemented a one-click add-to-cart feature on our ecommerce website.

I implemented a new user flow for existing customers to make changes to their existing account.

To keep the flow more streamlined, I utilized the existing AngularJS platform with multiple AJAX back-end calls to keep the user in a single view.

I worked with designers and helped lead development in creating new content for AAG's core website, including a new navigation system on the main page as well as within each product.

Wordpress was crucial to create templates that allowed non-technical business users to add or update content as needed.

I worked extensively on Experian's core consumer websites. They manage multiple domains (Free Credit Report, Free Credit Score, Experian), all with a different look and feel. Most pages you visit I had a hand in developing and A/B testing.

The largest project I worked on was a complete redesign and recode of experian.com during their global rebrand in late 2016. We developed an all new codebase with source control, SASS framework, and living style guide.

Other Projects

In my free time and for the sake of experimenting, I built this site using Gatsby 5 (React), Tailwind CSS and hosted on Gatsby Cloud. Very fun!

I built a fantasy football draft tool using Angular and Google Material Design. After nearly ten years in my league, I finally won! : )

You can view both projects on my GitHub.